Tracking ovulation is a helpful tool, whether you want to get pregnant, you want to avoid it, or you want to better understand your cycle and become more in tune with your body. Ovulation—when your ovaries release one or more eggs between periods—can help identify when you are most fertile each month, and when you will get your next period.
Why tracking your LH is helpful
Levels of LH surge when a mature egg reaches its final stage of development, indicating that the egg will soon be released from the fallopian tube (i.e. ovulation). Since you are most fertile the day before and/or the first day of ovulation, a positive result indicates that an LH surge was detected and that for most people, the greatest likelihood of conception will occur throughout the next 24 hours.
LH surges can vary by person and even cycle-to-cycle, in how long they last, what levels of LH they are detectable at and their timing relative to actual ovulation. Using tests each cycle can help pinpoint ovulation exactly versus using an app that predicts based on past cycles alone.
How to use our Cycle Tracker to track ovulation
Ovulation tests are easy-to-use and one of the most accurate ways to detect ovulation at-home. These tests work by detecting the surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) that happens right before ovulation.
- To determine what day to start testing with your Ovry Ovulation Test Strips, use our Ovulation Calculator
- Begin testing daily (being sure to follow the instructions included inside each box of tests). Once you’ve completed the test, place the test strip inside the Cycle Tracker noting down the date and time that the test was taken.
- Continue testing until you get a positive result (indicating ovulation).
Hot Tip: If you use a pencil to write on your Cycle Tracker, you can reuse it from month to month. If you would like to compare your test results month to month, we recommend taking a picture of your Cycle Tracker after each cycle.
What’s the purpose of the Cycle Tracker?
Many people love using the Cycle Tracker because it allows them to see the progression of their luteinizing hormone as they get closer to ovulation. Since sperm can live inside the female reproductive system for up to 5 days, the Cycle Tracker can be a very helpful tool for identifying the days leading up to ovulation, which are also a great time to get busy if you’re trying to conceive. The darker your test line, the higher your levels of LH.
Using the Cycle Tracker has other benefits as well, like helping identify how long your LH surge lasts, helping flag any potential irregularities for you to discuss with your health care provider and helping you to better understand the length of your cycle and predict future LH surges.

Do I need to use the Cycle Tracker?
Nope! Our Ovulation Test Strips will work just fine without it. It’s just an extra tool that we wanted to provide for those of us that like to really get into it.